inconsistent behavior of rc-client when files dont exist at backend

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    • Type: Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Major
    • 3.0
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • None

      inconsistent behavior of rc-client for lookups for a file that does not exist in the replica catalog.

      If a user queries the LRC directly with the attached cmd.txt file ( use rc-client -f option ), then behavior is correct

      2009-11-04 11:56:00.566 DEBUG [root] connected to backend
      2009-11-04 11:56:00.567 DEBUG [RCClient] LINE 1: lookup vahi.f.a
      2009.11.04 11:56:00.614 PST: [DEBUG]

      {LRC rlsn://}

      Mapping for lfn vahi.f.a does not exist
      2009-11-04 11:56:00.614 INFO [RCClient] found 0 matches
      2009-11-04 11:56:00.614 DEBUG [RCClient] LINE 2: lookup L-L1_RDS_C03_L2-850326396-128.gwf
      2009-11-04 11:56:00.800 INFO [RCClient] found 1 matches
      L-L1_RDS_C03_L2-850326396-128.gwf srm:// pool="LIGO_CIT"
      2009-11-04 11:56:00.800 DEBUG [root] done parsing commands
      2009-11-04 11:56:00.801 DEBUG [root] disconnected from backend
      2009.11.04 11:56:00.801 PST: [INFO] rc-client planner.version 2.4.0cvs - FINISHED

      However, if a user queries the RLS with the same cmd file , one sees empty error messages and a non zero exitcode

      009.11.04 11:58:44.146 PST: [DEBUG] [RLI-RC] Connection properties passed are {}
      2009-11-04 11:58:44.238 DEBUG [root] connected to backend
      2009-11-04 11:58:44.239 DEBUG [RCClient] LINE 1: lookup vahi.f.a
      2009-11-04 11:58:44.290 ERROR [root]
      2009-11-04 11:58:44.290 ERROR [root]
      2009-11-04 11:58:44.291 DEBUG [root] disconnected from backend
      2009.11.04 11:58:44.291 PST: [INFO] rc-client planner.version 2.4.0cvs - FINISHED
      2009-11-04 11:58:44.291 WARN [root] non-zero exit-code 1
      Java Result: 1

            Karan Vahi
            Karan Vahi
            Rajiv Mayani
