For now, so that users know how to submit PMC in a PBS job, when Pegasus plans the workflow in PMC-only mode can Pegasus generate a PBS script that looks like this?:
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
#PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
#PBS -o /path/to/submit/dir/WORKFLOW.out
#PBS -e /path/to/submit/dir/WORKFLOW.err
cd /path/to/submit/dir
mpiexec /path/to/pegasus/bin/pegasus-mpi-cluster --jobstate-log --per-task-stdio --max-wall-time 60 WORKFLOW.dag
Call it WORKFLOW.pbs, where WORKFLOW is the name of the workflow from the DAX and save it in the submit directory. The user can modify it for their environment manually. The important thing is to add the 3 arguments: --jobstate-log, --per-task-stdio, and --max-wall-time.