pegasus-analyzer dies with a python error when investigating a failed workflow


      I am running the example from the "tutorial-vm" of the Pegasus 3.1 documentation. In section X.3.2 of the chapter, an input file is renamed to provoke an error. The documentation suggests to run pegasus-analyzer on the failed workflow. However, the analyzer dies with a stack-trace on the missing input file. In order to not contaminate my VM, I change the PFN in the DAX to f.a.old instead of renaming the physical file.

      pegasus-wms $ pegasus-analyzer -i /home/tutorial/pegasus-wms/dags/tutorial/pegasus/blackdiamond/run0007
      pegasus-analyzer: initializing...


      2011-12-12 14:04:22,558 INFO: /bin/cp -f -L"/scratch/tutorial/inputdata/diamond/f.a.old""/home/tutorial/local-scratch/exec/tutorial/pegasus/blackdiamond/run0007/f.a"
      /bin/cp: cannot stat `/scratch/tutorial/inputdata/diamond/f.a.old': No such file or directory
      2011-12-12 14:04:22,562 ERROR: Command'/bin/cp -f -L"/scratch/tutorial/inputdata/diamond/f.a.old""/home/tutorial/local-scratch/exec/tutorial/pegasus/blackdiamond/run0007/f.a"'failed with error code 1
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File"/opt/pegasus/default/bin/pegasus-transfer", line 1046, in ?
      handle_transfers(t_list, failed_q, attempt_current)
      File"/opt/pegasus/default/bin/pegasus-transfer", line 854, in handle_transfers
      cp(transfers, failed_q)
      File"/opt/pegasus/default/bin/pegasus-transfer", line 426, in cp
      File"/opt/pegasus/default/bin/pegasus-transfer", line 887, in stats_add
      except BaseException, err:
      NameError: global name'BaseException'is not defined

      It is good that it catches the cp error. However, it is bad that that provokes a complete failure of the analyzer.

            Fabio Silva
            Jens Voeckler
            0 Start watching this issue
