site selection for containerized executables should not consider container image url (whether file or not)

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      a user reported this error on  montage workflow when trying to run with a local path to the montage singularity container


      I am wondering if it is possible to use the downloaded sif image when submitting the plan instead of downloading it from web. I just want the workflow to use the local image (the sif file). It seems that the image value of Container API cannot be the local file server or it throws an error when submitting.
      Note: The workflow runs on the local pool.container = None
        if tc_target == 'container':
            container = Container('montage',
            tc.add_containers(container)2024.11.07 17:00:43.418 UTC: [FATAL ERROR]  
       [1] java.lang.RuntimeException: Site Selector could not map the job mDiffFit with id mDiffFit_ID0000280
      to any of the execution sites [condorpool]
      using the Transformation Mapper (All Mode - Handle both Installed and Stageable Executables on all sites)
      This error is most likely due to an error in the transformation catalog.
      Make sure that the mDiffFit transformation exists with matching system information for sites 
      [condorpool] you are trying to plan for {condorpool={arch=x86_64 os=linux}}
      Candidate Entries found were [
       Logical Namespace : null
       Logical Name      : mDiffFit
       Version           : null
       Resource Id       : insidecontainer
       Physical Name     : /opt/Montage/bin/mDiffFit
       SysInfo           : {arch=x86_64 os=linux}
       TYPE              : INSTALLED
       BYPASS              : false
       Profiles : profile condor request_memory 1 GB
      profile pegasus clusters.size 3
       Container    : cont montage.sif{
              type            singularity
              image           file:///home/scitech/montage-workflow-v3/montage-workflow-v3.sif
              image_site      null
              bypass  false
              profile         env     MONTAGE_HOME /opt/Montage
       Compound Tx  : Transformation -> mDiffFit
               executable -> 
       Logical Name :mFitplane
       Type         :executable
       Size         :-1.0
       Transient Flags (transfer,optional,dontRegister,cleanup,integrity,bypass,plannerUse): ( 0,false,false,true,true,false,false)metadata
               executable -> 
       Logical Name :mDiff
       Type         :executable
       Size         :-1.0
       Transient Flags (transfer,optional,dontRegister,cleanup,integrity,bypass,plannerUse): ( 0,false,false,true,true,false,false)metadata
      Notifications -> 
      ] at edu.isi.pegasus.planner.refiner.InterPoolEngine.complainForFailedSiteMapping( 

            Karan Vahi
            Mats Rynge
            Rajiv Mayani
