Support deep LFN's in CondorIO mode

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      If one uses "deep LFN'S" (e.g. 113456/inspiral_113456109.hdf) pegasus will not allow us to use condor file transfers saying:

      "Condor File Transfers don't support deep LFN's."

      However, this is not true. Condor has supported this for some time now. We do use deep LFNs in PyCBC/LIGO because we don't want all the files in one directory in the local-site-scratch, and we also want to be able to find files in the local-site-scratch (so use this to construct our own directory structure). We also want to use condor file transfers when running on the Open Science Grid, as it's much more convenient than using gsiftp, and makes the site catalog much simpler.

      Therefore could we please get this into the next pegasus release (hopefully in the next ~months??), so that we are able to use this for the next observing run of LIGO/Virgo.

            Karan Vahi
            Ian Harry
            Rajiv Mayani
