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allow planner arguments to be set at the root workflow level, and then inherited by subworkflow jobs


      When the --staging-site option is set in pegasus-plan for a root workflow, this option is not inherited and passed as an argument to SubWorkflow jobs. So users will manually have to set that argument for each SubWorkflow job.

      Ian Harry (LIGO/PyCBC) pointed out that it would be convenient to be able to set this --staging-site somewhere in say, the site catalog or properties file, and have it be inherited by SubWorkflow jobs.

      We need to keep in mind that some SubWorkflow jobs would need to run with different planner arguments and so we might need to make it so that whatever --staging-site arg is set at the "global" level can be overwritten if set at the SubWorkflow job level.

      notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6rfkJDiXN3eKhSma7V_PmihfsgcaK9hisfOtPK6KrY/edit

        1. test.py
          0.9 kB
        2. workflow.yml
          0.6 kB

            vahi Karan Vahi
            tanaka Ryan Tanaka (Inactive)
            2 Start watching this issue
