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  1. Pegasus
  2. PM-1262

Condor DagMan no longer allows . in job names


    • Type: Icon: Improvement Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Priority: Icon: Major Major
    • master, 4.8.2
    • Affects Version/s: master, 4.8.1
    • Component/s: None
    • None

      As part of this https://htcondor-wiki.cs.wisc.edu/index.cgi/tktview?tn=5966 DAGMan stopped allowing . and + in the job names.

      Since, Pegasus generated the condor submit file and DAG file, it would be good to silently ensure that the generated DAGNames don;t have . or + even if they are in the DAX somewhere.

      Hi Alex,

      The issue is that PyCBC is creating an entry in a dax for a sub-dax that looks like this:

      <dax id="ID0021936" file="H1L1-FOREGROUND_MINIFOLLOWUP_FULL_DATA_FULL_CUMULATIVE_CAT_12H-1186624818-687900.dax">
      <argument>--basename H1L1-FOREGROUND_MINIFOLLOWUP_FULL_DATA_FULL_CUMULATIVE_CAT_12H-1186624818-687900 -Dpegasus.dir.storage.mapper.replica.file=H1L1-FOREGROUND_MINIFOLLOWUP_FULL_DATA_FULL_CUMULATIVE_CAT_12H-1186624818-687900.dax.map -Dpegasus.dir.storage.mapper.replica=File --output-site local --cleanup inplace --cluster label,horizontal -vvv --cache /home/dbrown/projects/aligo/o2/analysis-21/o2-c00-analysis-21-v1.7.9-vdf-5c09540-auto-dch-gates/output/_reuse.cache</argument>
      <uses name="H1L1-FOREGROUND_MINIFOLLOWUP_FULL_DATA_FULL_CUMULATIVE_CAT_12H-1186624818-687900.dax.map" link="input"/>

      So it's not a job name, but the dax name. Pegasus is taking that filename and prepending createdir_ and _0_local to make the dagman job name. I suppose that Pegasus could say "users cannot give DAX filenames that contain . or +" but I think it would be easier for Pegasus to just silently enforce this.

            vahi Karan Vahi
            dbrown Duncan Brown
            1 Start watching this issue
